Tessellations – The Beneventi School

How to Give

This document provides the giving instructions for a variety of methods. No matter what method you use, thank you for your support!

If you work at a company that engages in corporate matching for employee donations, then please use a matching method whenever possible. Note that you may be able to get your gift matched even if you donate via non-cash methods (e.g., in-kind, or stock).

Direct Cash

Please mail (or delivery manually) the check to:
1170 Yorkshire Drive
Cupertino, CA 95014
Please write the child’s (or children’s) name/s in the memo field of the check if you are a family member.

Donor Advised Funds
For grants from donor-advised funds (DAF), please use the following instructions:
“Tessellations” and Federal Tax ID 85-2595677.

Please send your electronic payment to:
Account: Tessellations
Account Number: 80008862379
Type of Account: Checking
Bank: JPMorgan Chase
ABA/Routing Number: 322271627
Special Instructions: Please include child’s/children’s name/s if you are a family member. 

Note that in some systems, a different address pops up. As long as the routing number and account numbers are correct, it will go through successfully.

Please send your electronic payment to:
Account: Tessellations
Account Number: 80008862379
Type of Account: Checking
Bank: JPMorgan Chase
Address: 270 Park Ave, New York, NY  10017
ABA/Routing Number: 021000021
Special Instructions: Please include child’s/children’s name/s if you are a family member. 

Note that in some systems, a different address pops up. As long as the routing number and account numbers are correct, it will go through successfully.

Matching Cash Gifts

On your company’s donation website, you should be able to use a system called Benevity to make and track your donations. When you are within the Benevity portal, you should be able to find Tessellations. By making your donation in the portal, you are informing your company of the donation and they should then match your donation.

Note that companies have a wide variety of policies and you should do some research to make sure that your donation will be matched properly. Most companies have a matching limit per year. Most companies do a 100% match up to the matching limit, but some do more than that. Sometimes it is even possible to double a match by utilizing multiple employers.

If you cannot find Tessellations in your company donation site, you may need to set it up in your company matching donor list. Please contact Nayan (nayantarakulkarni@gmail.com) for assistance – she is our local expert.   

If that still doesn’t work, then please notify us immediately so that we can try to solve the problem on our side.

In-Kind Gift

For this type of gift, you either need to purchase the materials yourself and have them shipped to us or simply give us the materials. We will then write you a receipt for your gift.

Note: Many companies will match your in-kind donations. Please check on this since it is basically free money for Tessellations and makes your gift matter even more!

Stock Gift

The exact process for doing this will depend on your online brokerage. You will likely need some subset of the following information:

Stock: Ticker symbol of the stock that you are donating
Number of shares: The number of shares that you are donating
DTC# (or Deposit Trust Company): 0725
Code: 40

Financial Institution: Raymond James & Associates Delivery Instructions

Non-Physical Deliveries
DTC Securities
DTC #0725
FAO: Tessellations ; 458K3110

Federal Book Entry
ABA #021000018
FAO: Tessellations ; 458K3110

Euroclear (Bond) Issues
Raymond James Euroclear #99134
FAO: Tessellations ; 458K3110

For Foreign Equities
Please contact International
Clearance at 727-567-3490

Donors may also need to submit a physical form, depending on their brokerage.

If you notice that the stock has not left your account, then please simply follow up with your brokerage. In our trial of this method, it sometimes needed some extra prodding by the donor.

It is especially important to notify our Treasurer via email to treasurer@tessellations.school after you make a stock donation so that we can be sure to track it accordingly.

Note: Many companies will match your stock donations. Please check on this since it is basically free money for Tessellations and makes your gift matter even more!

Crypto Gift

We have several families that have chosen this method and we’re happy to help out to make it happen. Please contact our Treasurer via email to treasurer@tessellations.school directly.

Thank you!

No matter which method you choose, please notify the school administration when you have made a donation so that we can make sure that it arrives safely.